Term 1: 30th Jan - 6th April Individual lessons start Friday 3rd Feb
Group Lessons Sunday 5th February - All students
End of Term Party Sunday 5th April 10am - 11am Games, Performances and CAKE!
Suzuki Autumn Festival, Melbourne Wednesday 19th - Saturday 22nd April 2023 Fun classes, play-ins and concerts. A great occasion for learning, sharing and making music in an encouraging Suzuki environment. An environment that will help sustain and motivate us to keep moving towards our goals. More information will be available closer to the time on the Suzuki website here.
Term 2: 15th April - 28th June Individual Lessons Start week of Monday 15th April
Group Lessons Sunday 28th April 4pm - 4:45pm Sunday 19th May 4pm 4:45pm
End of Term Party Sunday 16th June 4pm - 4:45pm *Group Performance of Book 1 (Hot Cross Buns - Long, Long Ago)* - solo performances with performance descriptor comments
Suzuki Flute Concert Sunday 5th May 2pm Venue: Suzuki Music Victoria, 39a Canterbury Rd, Canterbury Solo Performance opportunity for all Suzuki Flute students with a professional piano in the Suzuki Music Performance Space.
Term 3: 15th July - 20th September Individual Lessons Start week of Monday 15th July
Group Lesson Sunday 28th July - *Headjoint Olympics* 4pm - 4:45pm Sunday 11th August - 4pm - 4:45pm
End of Term Party Sunday 25th August 4pm - 4:45pm *Group Performance of Book 1 (Hot Cross Buns - Moon)* - solo performances with performance descriptor comments
Suzuki Grand Concert Sunday 8th September Rehearsal - AM Concert - 2pm Venue: MLC Assembly Hall, MLC Kew
Term 4: 7th October - 20th December Individual Lessons Start week of Monday 7th October
Group Lesson Sunday 13th October - 4pm - 4:45pm Sunday 10th November - 4pm - 4:45pm
Suzuki Flute Concert Sunday 20th October May 2pm Venue: Suzuki Music Victoria, 39a Canterbury Rd, Canterbury Solo Performance opportunity for all Suzuki Flute students with a professional piano in the Suzuki Music Performance Space.
End of Year Studio Concert Sunday 8th December Concert - 4pm Venue: TBA